"Whenever I’m helping the police with their enquiries, his is always the first name I mention.”
Henry Gray, Strategy Partner, Leo Burnett London
“Somewhere between a pet and a baby.”
Tim Smith, Creative Director, CHE Proximity Melbourne
"For a copywriter he has shit banter.”
Ben Roberts, VP, Essence Recruitment
"So repulsive he causes allergies in his colleagues *ACHOO!*”
Julia Guo, Freelance Designer, Sydney
"Regularly gets in after 11, then goes for long lunches till past 3. Bar that, he’s a reasonably hard worker.”
Matthew Guy, Creative Lead, Google London
“Utter, utter loser.”
Alfie Moran, lifelong friend
"He swims at the seabed of the internet, bottom-feeding off all that is horrendous."
Mark Carbone, Creative Director, Bear Meets Eagle On Fire
“The only way to describe him is with a single finger gesture.”
Nanami Cowdroy, Illustrator, Sydney
“Just like Don Draper. Except terrible with women. And ads."
Brendan McGovern, Creative Lead, Hopeful Monsters
An intoxicated homeless gentleman in East London
"I wouldn’t trust him with my sister, but you’re in good hands with a headline.”
Dan White, Creative Director, 72andSunny New York
“Beswick? Rude. Slightly funny. Loves a drink... and a bit of a c*nt.”
Adrian Flores, CCO, Clemenger BBDO, Australia
An ex
Serious (yet only slightly more complimentary) references available on request.